Tips on Maintenance Cleanliness Car During Travels with Pets

Traveling with pets is becoming more popular, and nowadays, practically a third of owners of pets prefer to take their four-legged friends with them on trips. However, joint outings are fraught with occurrence problems with hygiene in the salon car. Practically every fifteenth trip accompanied needs to solve the problem of contaminants caused by animals. In our article, we will reveal the main types of contaminants and the ways they are minimized, supported by successful examples and thematic studies. Learn about the advantages here at for your car to protect it from external contaminants.

Travels with Pets: Joy and Necessity Maintenance Cleanliness


Main Sources Contaminants in Car

Fur and Enhanced Odors: Invisible Threats

  • Fur creates mass problems for owners’ animals since it penetrates into upholstery seats and rugs. It also can clog in system ventilation, thereby developing faster allergic reactions. On average, fur requires a threefold increase in time for cleaning the car.
  • Even if your pet does not emit sharp odors at home, in-car odors are capable of being enhanced by 40%. This occurs due to enclosed space and also the presence of traces from walks on fur. Special air fresheners can reduce the intensity of odors by 50%.

Dirt and Tracks Paws: Inevitable Companions Walks

  • Dog, after a walk, can bring up to 23 grams of sand and dirt into the salon car. Seasonal precipitation increases the possibility of the formation of mold and fungus.
  • Verified studies showed that cars subjected to regular cleaning are 70% less subject to spread mold compared with neglected vehicles. More about this can be learned in article about mold.

Influence Contaminants on Health Passengers and Animals

Dirty cars can become carriers of various diseases, which creates a threat for every third person with weakened immunity, and also for pets. Particles of dust, bacteria, and microbes can accumulate in upholstery and seats, becoming a potential threat to health.

Methods Minimization Contaminants in Car

Practical Covers and Mats: Protection for Every Day

  • Use covers provide double-level protection: they are a barrier from fur and dirt and also significantly facilitate the process of their cleaning.
  • High-quality mats are capable of retaining up to 90% dirt and fur, preventing their spread across the salon.

Regular Cleaning: Strategy Cleanliness and Longevity

  1. Constant use of vacuum helps remove up to 95% contaminants from surface seats and rugs, preventing age-related damage to upholstery.
  2. Regular airing is capable of reducing the level of microbes and allergens by 60% due to fresh air. Learn more about quality air in premises.
  3. Effective means for cleaning salons destroy up to 99.9% of bacteria, provoking the occurrence of diseases.

Regular Care: Key Comfort and Longevity

Maintaining the car’s cleanliness promotes the longevity of its upholstery and also increases comfort for all passengers. Study factors that influence cleanliness on car enthusiasts show that the probability occurrence of allergic reactions in people in clean salons is reduced by 50%.

Successful Cases and Informative Studies

Recent studies revealed that regular cleaning reduces the level of allergens by 60%, which significantly improves the general condition of passengers. In Germany was conducted the study, according to results, regulated cleaning led to a reduction in the presence of allergens on average by 60%.

One example can be family, which, after the introduction of simple measures for maintaining cleanliness, completely got rid of problems with allergies in children. This family began to use specialized covers and regularly clean the salon car, which in turn reduced symptoms of allergy by 80%.

Undoubtedly, care about the cleanliness of the car — this not only questions aesthetics but is also an important event for the maintenance of the health of all passengers and protection of the interior. Simple strategic measures capable of making trips with pets safe and comfortable.